Posh Peppers is our latest tutorial in The Academy taken from a beautiful dramatic photo kindly sent in by Maureen Rich. I think you could do this, just take it easy, watch the tutorial and enjoy your painting time!
Posh Peppers
‘window florals’ Live Broadcast 23rd April 2019
Window Florals A fun and light live broadcast (See’Live Broadcast area) Were we looked at light cascading through window...
Saxby Church Pleinair Painting
Saxby Church A fairly local church to me that I had never seen before, hidden away along a narrow...
Ladybird Penthouse
Its the time of year when all the little guys are flying, buzzing and making the most of their...
Feast of Flora
A swirl of blooms is a feast of Flora! Quite often a painting start off with a simple motif...
A Grand Staircase indeed!
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Evening Sunlight Sketchbook Challenge Feb 2019
Sketchbook Challenge ‘Coast’ has given us a great chance to get to the ocean! Dive in guy’s and let’s...
Pink Blossom Meadow
Spring Keeps Springing! Another beautiful bloom was spotted in a local meadow and needed capturing for us all to...