Peaceful Island
Dinner At Eight
Dinner at Eight A quick idea turned in to a joy, limited pallet of Lemon Yellow, Royal Blue Indian...
Cold Weather Friends
Cold Weather friends It’s good the have friends in cold places! Check out the fun tutorial ‘Cold Weather Friends‘...
Trio of Roses
Here’s our latest fun painting from the ‘Live Broadcast’ this time on Facebook! See the full Broadcast in our...
Pink Blossom Meadow
Spring Keeps Springing! Another beautiful bloom was spotted in a local meadow and needed capturing for us all to...
Beach & Boat
A scene of pure calm, just to drift away. A simple scene can sum up so many thoughts which...
Oooo The Drama!
Looseness can be delivered in various forms, delicate and light or heavy and brooding. Choose the mood to suit...
A Berry Merry Time
Just keep things simple, when you feel yourself over thinking the painting take a break and imagine the finished...
Beyond The Fence
A day trip turned into a quick stop in a lay-by for a spot of Plein air looseness! Try...