A timely seasonal them can offer us a simple technique to add the fruits the the tree. With this...
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When you arrive in a beautiful place its easy to be overwhelmed by the scale and beauty of the...
Falling berries are a great image to capture allowing the direction of the brush stokes to guide the flow...
A little still life from a classic fruit bowl mix Great images can be created from simple everyday objects...
When you have the good fortune to visit a country, a city, a place we can bring back our...
This little piece happened out of know where I found one Pink bud and developed it then another …and...
A scene of pure calm, just to drift away. A simple scene can sum up so many thoughts which...
An idea turned into a joy Just like flowers it grew and turned beautiful Simple things bring the most...
Looseness can be delivered in various forms, delicate and light or heavy and brooding. Choose the mood to suit...
When you want to paint and your not sure of a subject just paint something you know and are...