Januarys Live Broadcast produced a fun and rewarding painting of an outdoor planter with flowers dancing in the wind…I...
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A simple little image of an everyday scene that often goes unnoticed but these simple moments can bring such...
It’s getting to that time of year when love is in the air! And the boys are vying for...
The spanning arches of an aching city are a joy to paint, almost like painting history!
Bursting florals are always a delight so let’s give it a try and enjoy the moment. Don’t for get...
Flowers her hair…An idea for you perhaps? Using our loose fun style we can create magical things…
So this last painting of the last day of 2017 Enjoy every moment …and love your time!
This was quite an early image and really showed me how quickly, around 20 minutes, you could create something...
When it comes to making decisions these guys can’t quite decide…. Be decisive in your painting, it helps