
First Blog on my new Site!

Welcome to my first blog guy’s!

It’s so close to Christmas now…I really should start …shopping soon but I thought I’d put my Christmas plant on for you in stead!

  1. candace.bennett 7 years ago

    Andy, I am missing your daily challenges and/or demos. I only know about them by seeing artists posts on FB. I am visually-impaired so may need some extra instructions from you on the basics. Maybe just tell me where to find stuff on your new web site. Thanks in advance! (Between the vision loss and not being able to grasp utensils normally anymore, I’m stubbornly hanging in there!) Once I figure out how to adapt, I know the Loose Gang will seriously hep me find my particular lose style!

    • Author
      Admin 7 years ago

      Hi Candace,don’t worry we’re all just getting used to the new changes so lm sure everything will soon calm a little. If you go to loose doodles under challenges there you will find a new kind of challenge and the Tuesday challenge will still be posted on Facebook…will see you there l hope
      Take care

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