
Blessed to be part of this community…

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  • #15580

    I am Rebecca and live in The Queen City of Charlotte, North Carolina. During the week I left-brain in the legal profession, but my weekends are spent cultivating my right brain in my studio. I have been a calligrapher (traditional) for 25 years and yearn to learn the art of watercolor to pair with my calligraphy. I’m certain my left-brain will be PINGING uncontrollably when I begin to learn this loose painting style…but Andrew, I promise to keep at it. Very very interesting to learn about the student grade paint being better for this type of watercolors. Placed my order yesterday for WN Cotman…can’t hardly wait to get started. Thanks for all your support – as we are all aboard this learning ship!! Andrew, thanks for being at the helm of this journey!!

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